The buoys look lot bigger when you are next to them
Alan Hoffman guarding new No Wake buoys prior to placement
A derelict boat found its way to Flapjack Point.
Drones over Olympia for 2023 Harbor Days.
Taking core samples of sediment in Budd Inlet
Posting a derelict boat in Totten Inlet for a curtsey for DNR
Boston Harbor fireworks are always a special event
Captain Pete Pease remembering the fun times.
Moving the Sandman from its usual slip to Swantown in preparation for haul out and hull repair.
John Ewing in control on a fine Saturday afternoon.
Routine patrol turned to vessel assist. Coast Guard advised us of a boat taking on water near Eagle Island. Located vessel placed our pumps onboard and escorted her (along with Tacoma Fire) back to Day Island marina.
A Puffin is rescued from Budd Inlet
Refurbishing and cleaning Purple Martin nests.
Using the pump from HP 1
Darlene, Jon Hart, and Jon Specht having fun on Port 1.
Darlene, Dennis, and Sheri Parker on her last day.
Paddleboat found adrift off Zittle's Marina. No bodies found
87 foot foot Coast Guard Cutter Swordfish from Port Angeles came to help us.
Darlene holding Mt. Rainier in place
Dennis Erdahl and Ariana Jacobson enjoying another day
A great reason to be on the water in the evening.
Now what are you going to do with it Steve?
Steve and Dave Palazzio keeping an eye on their catch.
Oh Oh someone forgot to maintain their boat.
Forest Surveyor was built in Vancouver B.C. as a picket boat for patrol in WW II. After the war she was transferred to B.C. Forestry as a patrol and survey vessel. She is owned now by the N.W. Marine Propulsion Museum.
Boat aground in front of the OYC, how is that possible?
Bob Van Schoorl gets his Helm pin
Josh Culley is promoted to Crew
Hart Van Meter is promoted to Crew
Jason Tolle is promoted to Crew
John Specht is promoted to Crew
Another successful save of a sail-boater from Jerrell Cove.
After a long break Darlene, Steve and Scott man the boat again..
Great work Rob and crew, two tows in one day
Lady Washington 2019 Harbor Days
Nice going Nick, shouldn't get lost now.
No matter what size boat you have it is important to check the tides.
Despite the cold the 2019 bird box clean-up crew is a happy one.
Virginia V 2019 Harbor Days
Another fine Harbor Patrol picnic.
Can this boat be saved?
Lakefair fireworks
Some salty dogs enjoying Lakefair fireworks
Mike, Mimi and Bob enjoying their day of recruit training.
Another successful mission for
Commander LaRosa
The trainers. Darlene, Nick, Jerry, Jeff and Wayne, all having a great day.
Change of shift
Another fine day on the water.
Arrgh matey, I'm in command now
Releasing this fine vessel from her mooring.
A little late for the flares..
Another derelict boat.
Capt. Hellwig recruits a new crewmember, although she is a little afraid of the water.
Running in fog requires vigilance on the part of the individual on the helm.
West Bay Marina Damage from February snow
2019 Toliva Shoals Race
2019 Toliva Shoals Race
Cmdr. Nick becoming Capt. Nick 12/012/2018
Winding up 10 great years 12/12/2018
One very BIG tree stump! 12/02/2018
Another derelict vessel just north of Big Tykle Cove
Old sailboat aground near Priest Point Park
Cmndr Nick... on the job! Tow "Client?" Linda Whitcher! 07/31/2018
A fine crew keeping everyone safe at the 2018 Harbor Days
Wayne is handling the output. 07/29/2018
Virginia V makes a visit for Harbor Days.
The Lady Washington makes a visit from the past
Rob, Wayne & Sherwin 07/29/2018
Gettin' down into that bilge. 07/29/2018
The Pump is working! 07/29/2018
King's Way has a problem! 07/29/2018
Wayne, Sherwin, Rob & Gene to the rescue. 07/29/2018
ATON Work Party. 07/17/2018
Sunset Tow... Budd Inlet. 07/16/2018
Sunshine... fair weather, and a quiet tow. 07/15/2018
This big rascal isn't getting away from me! 07/15/2018
What?!?! Lafefair Foodfest... and nobody invited me!! 07/15/2018